We Buy Houses America

I’m Relocating And Need To Sell My House In Connecticut

Are you ready to simplify your relocation journey away from Connecticut? Every week, local homeowners like you reach out to us by submitting their house info on this website , seeking swift house sales as they prepare to move. They usually say “I’m relocating and need to sell my house in Connecticut“.  The great news is that we specialize in assisting sellers like you, ensuring quick transactions and alleviating the burden of coordination. By actively buying houses in Connecticut right now, we’re here to facilitate your transition seamlessly.

With the countless details and the inherent stress that accompanies a move, have you considered the transformative potential that awaits? Whether it’s a new job, a sick relative, or another life event propelling your decision, we understand the dramatic change associated with relocation. Let us help you embrace this change and embark on your new chapter with ease.

You are not alone, in 2021, 8.4% of people moved to a different home. That is on par with 9.3% from a year earlier.

Number of mover and mover rates between the years 2017 and 2021

And they are moving for a lot of the same reasons. Housing affordability or foreclosure is a common reason. They may be looking to downsize, move into a rental or upsize into a bigger or better home or apartment. Sometimes is due to a change in or loss of a job. Other times it is family related like a change in marital status like getting married or divorced or having more children requiring a bigger place to live.

Reasons for people moving between 2017 and 2021

So how do you make the most out of a difficult situation?

Don’t Agonize – Organize.

Are you worried about having to pay for an empty house that you don’t use for a long time? It can be really expensive, but there’s a solution.

Right now, the market in Connecticut seems pretty steady, but things can suddenly change. We’ve heard some really scary stories over the years. Unless you’re super rich, waiting for a long time might not be possible. Let’s find a better way together.

So how do you make the right choices when you’re relocating and need to sell your Connecticut house fast?

Moving And Need To Sell My House Fast In Connecticut… Here Are Your Options And Steps


  1. Want to know how much your house is worth? You can ask a trustworthy real estate agent or reach out to us for a free valuation of your property. Knowing the potential selling price in today’s market helps you decide how long you might want to wait or if it’s time to sell, without any pressure.

  2. Think about how quickly you want to sell your house once you move. This is really important. I’ve seen people who moved far away for work and had their house for sale for more than a year, and they had to settle for a much lower price than they wanted. Decide how fast you need to sell your house and how long you’re okay with paying for two mortgages, insurance, and other costs.

  3. Make sure to find a good real estate agent before you start packing your things. Start early so you don’t waste any time. Waiting each month to sell your house costs you money. But if you don’t want to use an agent, we’re here to help. We’re a trusted local home buyer, and we’d be happy to give you a quick and fair cash offer. Just fill out the form through this link to get started >>

  4. Let’s figure out the value of selling your house quickly versus waiting for a higher price. We all want to get the most money for our houses, but it’s important to consider the costs of holding onto the property. These costs include the mortgage, insurance, taxes, and maintenance. For example, let’s say you want to sell your house for $200,000. If your monthly mortgage payment is $1,200, taxes are $200, insurance is $100, and maintenance is $100, your total monthly expenses without building equity would be $1,600.

    Now, let’s say it takes you 7 months to sell the house through a real estate agent for $200,000. You would have spent $11,200 in direct holding costs, plus $12,000 in real estate agent fees. That adds up to $23,200 in LOST money, without even considering the value of your time, the stress of the property sitting on the market, or the opportunity cost of not using that money elsewhere. So the actual cost to you could be closer to $30,000.

    But imagine if you could sell your house next week and skip all of those expenses? Even if you sold it for a bit less, like $175,000, you would still be in a better position by selling the house NOW to a home buyer like us instead of waiting for 7 months and dealing with holding costs and agent fees.

    Does that make sense?

  5. Time to make a move! Whatever you choose, make a decision and take action. If you prefer going with a real estate agent, that’s awesome! Just find a trustworthy local agent in Connecticut. But if you’d rather sell without waiting or paying agent fees, selling your house to us might be a great option for you! 🙂

If you have plenty of time and an amazing property, you could try testing the market by offering it at a high price. There’s a small chance that someone might fall in love with it and be willing to pay more than it’s worth – people can do unexpected things when they’re in love.

However, most properties are quite similar to others around them, just like how people who live close by tend to have things in common. So unless your property is truly extraordinary, like something you’d see in a magazine, you won’t get the highest price by setting it at the highest point.

You can try a clever strategy: advertise your property for both rent and sale, and see which one gets a response first. It’s important to stay in charge of the process, even if experienced real estate agents might find it confusing.

In certain cases, we might work together with property owners to arrange lease option agreements. This means that well-qualified buyers would rent the property for a set time before deciding to purchase it.

Sometimes, we can assist in other ways too. We might negotiate a new loan, help with monthly payments, or even work with the bank to arrange a short sale.

We’re here to help you tackle tricky situations and find solutions.

We enjoy coming up with creative solutions that can bring you closer to where you want to be.

How Can Next Door Properties Help You If You’re Relocating And Need To Sell In Connecticut?

Imagine a hassle-free relocation where you can leave the burden of selling your house behind. As an experienced buyer, I specialize in assisting sellers like you to smoothly transition to your new chapter. By purchasing your house directly, I offer you the convenience and peace of mind you deserve, ensuring a seamless relocation process. Let me handle the details, so you can focus on embracing your exciting new beginning.

The types of sellers who tend to work with us include people who…

  • Need to sell quickly (we can close in just 7 days if necessary)
  • Prefer to avoid the hassle of listing with an agent
  • Don’t want to deal with real estate agent fees
  • Are unable to sell their house for various reasons (we buy houses as-is)
  • … or a variety of other reasons and circumstance

We really care about the Connecticut community, and we want to be upfront with you.

We’re honest and straightforward.

We’ll give you a fair price for your house, and we can complete the process quickly with cash.

If you’re willing to wait and can hire experts to assist you, you can handle the sale of your property even from afar. Sometimes, taking that risk could bring rewards.

We’re here to support you and answer any challenging questions you have about real estate in Connecticut, so please feel free to call us at (860) 398-4472 and chat with us anytime.

Andrzej Walter Lipski

A tall guy with a big heart. A USMC vet with a duty and dedication to help people out of their tough situations. If you have a distressed property or a situation that makes holding a property difficult I'm happy to help. I have 30 years experience solving people's problems. Let us help you.

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