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Investor Buy Box

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If I Find A Deal. How Should I Contact You?

Investment Questions

Are You Willing to Partner on Deals?
We can partner on deals or connect you with other investors that want to do the same.

Tell us which states, counties, zip codes, cities, towns, and/or neighborhoods you are looking to buy in.

What Type of Properties Are You Looking For?

Anything specific that you'd like to have or do not want to be shown. Not on double yellow lines. Must have below market rents. I'd like to have owner financing with a rate below 5%, etc.

What Kind Of Condition Are You Looking For?

What Is Your Investment Strategy?

Do You Buy Sight Unseen?
We will provide photos, video walkthrough and documentation. We need to know if you need to visit the property.

What Funding Sources Do You Use?
This helps us determine how quickly you can close and helps us bring you creative opportunitites

Do Your List Your Own Properties?
Helpful to know if you can list your own properties. Some deals don't work as a wholesale but as a referral.

How Many Deals Did You Do In the Year Year?
We Are Looking For How Much Volume You D If We Have a Lot of Deals Flow In

How Many Deals Are You Looking To Do In The Next Year?

How Fast Can Your Close
Some Sellers Need to Close Quickly.

Is there anything else that we didn't cover or some notes we should include with your buyer record?
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

We respect your privacy. See our privacy policy.

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