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4 Misconceptions About Selling Your House To A Wholesaler In Connecticut

Selling your house to a wholesaler can be an excellent selling solution for many Connecticut homeowners. Check out these common mistakes people make about the process in our latest post! 

Before we dive into these misconceptions, be aware that not all real estate wholesalers are alike. Some may have different motives, criteria, and the ways they operate. Before considering selling your house to a wholesaler in Connecticut, ask questions and find out more about them, their business, and what they can offer you. Working with someone who knows what they’re doing vs. someone who doesn’t will make a big difference in how much you are able to get when selling your Connecticut home.

Common Misconceptions

I’m Going To Get Ripped Off

I’m going to be honest. There are a lot of bad wholesalers out there. They are out there for the cash, they wan tot get paid, they don’t care about the situation the homeowner is in. I meet a lot of them. They are either looking for a buyer on a house they got into an agreement on or they are looking to get assigned an agreement we have. Somewhere in all of it they are trying to squeeze a few thousand dollars for themselves. To do this they might hide information about the property, fudge the numbers on repair costs or what the home could really sell for. It all ends up a big mess. I don’t like working with people like that.

A great wholesaler isn’t in the business of ripping people off. They are in the business of helping homeowners who need to sell and lack the time to wait for a traditional sale on the MLS. They are in the business of finding the right buyers who can close on a house fast, providing the seller with a fair solution to their selling situation. They work hard to find the right buyers for the seller’s homes, typically closing within one to four weeks. What wholesalers do offer homeowners is a convenient sale, a fast closing, and a fair offer. That’s not to say there aren’t some people out there that take advantage, but if you work with a trusted and professional wholesaler in Connecticut such as Next Door Properties, you won’t ever have to worry about getting ripped off.

A lot of times you can tell if a wholesaler is in it for the quick buck. They don’t have a business. Ask to see their Federal Tax Id. See if they have a website. Do they have a logo or some professional branding? Fly-by-night-wholesalers will get in get out squeezing thousands out of a deal and you’ll be hard pressed to find them when the deal goes sour because they will be on to the next cash grab.

There Will Be Hidden Costs

While we can’t speak for all wholesalers out there, when you work with Next Door Properties, there are no hidden costs or fees to worry about. We are completely transparent about all our the costs in the real estate transaction. Everything from transfer taxes, attorney fees, repair costs and even what the house will sell for to the end buyer once it is renovated and put back on the market.

When we say that there is zero cost to you we mean that. Our cash offer price is the amount you will get to pay off your mortgages, liens and other debts and, depending on the deal, have cash in your pocket from the sale. We cover the selling costs. We’ll pay those so you don’t have to worry about the hassle of it.

You will be able to sell your house without spending a dime. There are no commissions, administrative fees, or other hidden charges to factor in. While we aren’t paying full retail price for your house, the amount you are able to save will usually put you in a better situation in the long run.

And that’s not to mention all the time and effort you will save which has a value all of its own!

When you sell your house directly to a company like Next Door Properties, there will never be any commissions or fees to worry about like with a real estate agent!

Wholesalers Are Just Trying To Make A Quick Buck

Of course, there are those fly-by-night wholesalers who are looking for a quick deal just as a means to get into the real estate industry. While they may be fully capable of finding and facilitating a great deal, someone who is more experienced, and who does this full-time may be in a better position to help both buyers and sellers. They will have a wide network of buyers, who all are interested in different types of properties at different price points. An experienced wholesaler in Connecticut will know which buyers will pay what you are asking, doing the work to close the deal as quickly and efficiently as possible.

Experienced wholesalers are professionals. They treat their work like a business. We try to work with professional wholesalers ourselves and any properties that we do not buy ourselves, we work with a number of trusted partners. We have a small group of investors, contractors and house flippers that we have partners with that can close quickly, always have cash and aren’t trying to just make a quick buck. They care about making great communities, improving the quality of buildings and helping people out.

There’s A Catch

There is never any sort of catch when working with Next Door Properties to sell your house in Connecticut. You will not have to deal with any surprises or hurdles that will disrupt the sale of your house. You won’t ever have to make any repairs, worry about cleaning, or wait longer than expected. While some wholesalers have things hidden in the fine print, selling with Next Door Properties will ensure you receive a fair and no hassle process no matter your situation or the properties condition.

Our door is always open. We will walk through out purchase agreements with you and explain each and every line if you need. We can walk you through the whole process and give you several options on how we go about the sale. We like to put you in the driver’s seat. If you don’t feel comfortable about something let us know.

A home sale can be really stressful and sometimes there are a lot of surprises outside of our control. Sometimes we discover a problem with the house that could drastically affect the sale price like water damage or foundation issues. Other times it might be one or more liens on the property that slow down the sale. Our experienced team has dealt with a lot of those situations, we are natural problem solvers with the experience to tack those hurdles when they appear.

The Truth

While there are some wholesalers and cash buyers out there looking to make a quick buck at any cost, there are others, such as the team at Next Door Properties who thrive on providing solutions to home sellers who are looking for a fast and fair way to sell their homes. We’re able to provide realistic solutions to local homeowners who need to sell quickly because of divorce, foreclosure, or any other difficult situation. We love being able to buy houses or match up buyers and sellers so everyone wins. Buyers are able to find the properties they want, and local sellers are able to offload their houses at prices that make sense.

We are always transparent about everything we do.

If you are looking for a convenient, fast, and fair way of selling your house to a wholesaler fast in Connecticut, working with the team at Next Door Properties may be the solution you have been waiting for. If you have a house in Connecticut that needs some work or that needs to be sold quickly, you don’t have to feel stuck or worry about selling it for pennies on the dollar. For many people, the process is much easier than listing or selling on their own. By working with a professional and experienced wholesaler in Connecticut, you will be able to get a great cash price for your house while closing very quickly.

Learn more about selling your house to a wholesaler in Connecticut! Reach out to us today for answers to all of your questions! (860) 398-4472

Andrzej Walter Lipski

A tall guy with a big heart. A USMC vet with a duty and dedication to help people out of their tough situations. If you have a distressed property or a situation that makes holding a property difficult I'm happy to help. I have 30 years experience solving people's problems. Let us help you.

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