We Buy Houses America

5 Things You Don’t Know About Professional Home Buyers In Connecticut

There are a lot of things to consider when placing your home for sale even to a Cash Home Buyers In Connecticut. Some Cash Buyers are picky about what they are looking for in a house. How long will your home be on the market waiting for a qualified buyer? What shape is my home in, and how much will needed repairs cost? Will the buyer find something wrong with the house after closing and potentially sue? Can I afford the commission if I deal with a Realtor? Call us at (860) 398-4472 to find out additional questions to ask yourself before deciding to sell.

1. As-Is Purchases

Professional Home Buyers In Connecticut will usually purchase homes as-is. As a seller, this means you do not have to worry about repairs before closing or any other additional expenses you were not planning on. They factor all that into their estimates when they make an offer. Everything from the cost to repair a roof to replacing kitchen countertops. Even cleaning it isn’t something you have to deal with.

There are some companies that don’t even require inspections which makes it a truly as-is transaction. For the most part we don’t do inspections. Only in cases when the repairs look particularly challenging. When we see wet basements, or structural problems, maybe if there was a house fire we will call in a specialist, that we pay for, to give us the hard truth. It doesn’t mean we won’t buy the house but we like to know what we are getting into when we make an offer.

2. Easy Closings

Professional home buyers in Connecticut typically close faster than traditional home buyers, and usually in pay full in cash. Traditional home purchases usually require qualifications from banks, mortgage underwriting time, property inspection time and the buyer may not end up qualifying in the end. There are also normally no commissions paid to a buyer’s or seller’s agent which means thousands of dollars in savings. The usual commission is 3% per side, so if you sell your home for $300,000, you would have to pay $18,000 in commissions alone! We haven’t even talked about the fees and taxes that go along with the sale that can be up around 3-5% more!

Our company, Next Door Properties, and our team of real estate investors and partners have ready and available cash to buy houses. When we need additional financing we have private lenders that are ready to lend us money in as little as 1 week. We have developed trust amongst our network of real estate professionals so we don’t have to work about lengthy real estate transactions that other buyer have to go through.

3. Extended Occupancy

Professional home buyers are in it for the investment. They are not expecting to move into the home on the day of closing. Most home buyers will allow a move-out timeframe after closing to allow you to relocate at your own pace. Depending on your situation and the timing of the sale we could provide up to a week or two to help you transition to a new place to stay. As real estate investors we may have rental units available, which we can arrange for you to relocate to if you decide to become a renter. This is extremely helpful, especially with such quick closing timeframes and can help you in your situation to get a good start on your next stage in life.

Also, you do not even have to clean the home when you leave. You can simply pack your personal items and furniture you want to keep and leave the rest.

4. Stress-Free Selling

When you decide to use a professional home buyer in Connecticut, you may not have to worry about going through a roller coaster of emotions. We will work hard to reduce the chaos selling real estate brings into your lives.

We won’t make frustrating, middle-of-dinner phone calls asking if you are available to show your home in an hour. You don’t have to worry about giving us the keys and leaving your home spotless every day before heading to work, just in case we want to come in and show while you’re gone. You don’t have to worry about possibly running into a buyer’s agent or their clients or dealing with them grilling you with questions you really shouldn’t answer anyway.

You also don’t have to worry about buyers arguing with you over which furniture you are taking and what you are leaving.

5. Less Risk

Selling to a professional home buyer is extremely straight forward. We simplify the real estate transaction process. We will lay out every step and usually have shortened, very clear contracts that are simple as-is purchase agreements. If you want we can walk you through each part of the agreement if any of it sounds confusing. We will always recommend you review it with a lawyer as well. You will also have lessened exposure to legal risks.

You won’t have to worry about the buyer finding something you didn’t know you didn’t disclose or something they don’t like about the home or the neighborhood. Under most traditional real estate contracts, there is a potential for the buyer to sue you if they feel they didn’t get all of the information, or if they feel the facts were misconstrued. Professional home buyers already know the state of the property, and they are willing to take on that risk.

Please give us a call today at (860) 398-4472 or send us a message to inquire about selling your home to the best professional home buyers in Connecticut!

Andrzej Walter Lipski

A tall guy with a big heart. A USMC vet with a duty and dedication to help people out of their tough situations. If you have a distressed property or a situation that makes holding a property difficult I'm happy to help. I have 30 years experience solving people's problems. Let us help you.

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