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How to Sell Your House During Bankruptcy

How to Sell Your House During Bankruptcy in Middletown

When you file for bankruptcy while owning a home, your property becomes a crucial part of the bankruptcy estate. This inclusion means that, along with other assets, you may need to sell your house during bankruptcy as part of the process. Recent trends have shown a significant uptick in bankruptcy filings, with Chapter 13 filings alone rising by twenty-seven percent in October 2022 compared to the previous year. Overall, bankruptcy filings across all chapters have increased by seven percent, mirroring the inflation rate’s rise. This surge is indicative of the financial distress many homeowners face. Unforeseen financial challenges have left numerous homeowners unable to meet their debt obligations, compelling them to file for bankruptcy. This legal step, while daunting, offers a potential respite from the looming threat of foreclosure, providing a crucial lifeline for those struggling to maintain their primary residence amidst financial turmoil.

Understanding Bankruptcy and Homeownership

When you file for bankruptcy, your home becomes a part of your bankruptcy estate. This inclusion means that decisions regarding your property are subject to the bankruptcy process. The recent increase in bankruptcy filings, particularly Chapter 13, reflects the financial strain many homeowners are experiencing. Bankruptcy can offer a way to address overwhelming debt and, in some cases, prevent foreclosure on your primary residence. However, selling your home during this time requires careful consideration and adherence to legal procedures.

Eligibility for Different Bankruptcy Chapters

Eligibility for bankruptcy chapters varies based on your debt levels. Chapter 13 bankruptcy is an option for those with secured and unsecured debts below $2,750,000. This chapter allows for debt restructuring and can enable homeowners to keep their properties. On the other hand, Chapter 7 involves liquidating assets to repay creditors. If you’re considering selling your home during bankruptcy, it’s essential to understand which chapter you’re filing under, as this will influence your options and the process.

While the rules for the process may differ for the type of bankruptcy you file under, and many factors influence the final determination, for most homeowners, the short answer is yes. So read on as we explore how to sell your house during bankruptcy. Please note that this article is for informational purposes, not financial or legal advice.

Court Permission for Property Sale

To sell your house during bankruptcy, you must first obtain court permission. This process involves filing a motion with the court, detailing the proposed sale price, how you plan to use the proceeds, and information about any creditors with liens on the property. The court’s approval is necessary to proceed with the sale, and this step allows creditors and trustees to raise objections or concerns.

The Role of Contingency in Traditional Sales

In a traditional property sale during bankruptcy, it’s crucial to include a contingency clause in the contract. This clause should state that the sale is contingent upon obtaining bankruptcy court permission. Under Chapter 7, if your home has significant unprotected equity, the trustee may opt to sell the property. The proceeds from such a sale are used to pay secured debts, provide you with any exempted amounts, and then distribute any remaining funds to unsecured creditors.

Managing Proceeds from the Sale

When selling your house during bankruptcy, the handling of proceeds post-mortgage satisfaction is a critical consideration. The distribution of these funds largely depends on your homestead exemption. Typically, proceeds are used to pay off remaining unsecured creditors or cover bankruptcy case expenses. It’s important to understand how these funds will be allocated to ensure you’re making the best financial decision.

Adjusting Payment Plans in Chapter 13

If you’re under Chapter 13 bankruptcy and decide to sell your house, you’ll need to modify your payment plan. The sale proceeds directly contribute to your bankruptcy, potentially allowing you to complete your payment plan sooner. This adjustment depends on the sale value realized and can significantly impact your financial obligations under the bankruptcy.

Importance of an Itemized Payoff Statement

Before finalizing the sale of your house during bankruptcy, it’s advisable to request an itemized payoff statement. This statement provides a detailed breakdown of any outstanding fees or charges, ensuring clarity and preventing unexpected expenses after the sale.

Selling Directly to Cash Investors

For a more straightforward and transparent sale process during bankruptcy, consider selling directly to cash investors like Next Door Properties. Our approach at Next Door Properties is to provide full transparency throughout the sale process. We compare the potential outcomes of a traditional listing with an agent versus our direct cash offer, ensuring you make an informed decision. Our commitment to the community drives us to ensure you have a positive experience working with us, from the initial consultation to the closing of the deal.

Next Door Properties

Don’t hesitate! With competition still driven by low supply and rising interest rates on the horizon, now is the time to cash in on your house, and the best way to sell your house during bankruptcy is to sell directly to the cash investors at Next Door Properties. Our policy at Next Door Properties is full transparency through every step of the process because we want you to decide which sales method works best for your situation. To that end, a cash investor from Next Door Properties will detail your expenditures and potential profits from a conventional listing with an agent, vs. our offer, which you’ll agree is fair. At Next Door Properties, we do this because we are your neighbors here in, we care about our community and the people in it, and we want you to feel good about working with us long after the deal is closed. 

The seasoned pros at Next Door Properties have experience with sellers going through bankruptcy and have the solution you seek, providing you with a guaranteed closing date, charging no commissions or closing costs with no unpleasant surprises. If you’d like to avoid the work and out-of-pocket costs of prepping your house to list on the real estate market, a direct sale to the cash investors at Next Door Properties is the solution. The cash investors at Next Door Properties never charge commissions, and there are no hidden fees. So you can put your wallet away and relax; you won’t even need to worry about showings when you make a direct sale to a cash investor from Next Door Properties. For a no-hassle sale of your home during bankruptcy: a cash investor from Next Door Properties will buy your house directly, as-is, for cash. Call Next Door Properties at (860) 398-4472.

Andrzej Walter Lipski

A tall guy with a big heart. A USMC vet with a duty and dedication to help people out of their tough situations. If you have a distressed property or a situation that makes holding a property difficult I'm happy to help. I have 30 years experience solving people's problems. Let us help you.

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