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5 Ways A Direct Sale Will Save You Lots Of Money in Connecticut

So you find yourself ready to sell and while you don’t want to pay all of the commissions and fees that come along with a traditional real estate agent, you also dread all that is involved with listing the property as for sale by owner. At Next Door Properties, we’ll take the time to listen to all of your questions about the process and the potential savings involved with a direct sale, get started today by calling (860) 398-4472.

Besides avoiding all of the headaches of listing your home on the market, as a seller, you can save yourself a lot of money in the following ways by making a direct sale of your Connecticut property to an investor.

No Repairs or Renovations

Inspections and appraisals are an critical part of the traditional home selling process, leading many to put thousands of dollars into a home that they’re ready to walk away from. In order to pass inspections, it’s possible that you could end up facing overwhelming repair bills for an issue you weren’t aware of previously. Real estate professionals know that many buyers won’t be able to realize the potential you may feel your property possesses because they can’t see past anything that is outdated. These upgrades can be anything from aging cabinetry to apparent wear and tear in flooring, woodwork, and even the paint on the interior and exterior of the home.

But why go through all that trouble? Why spend tens of thousands of dollars only to realize 50% to 70% of the value of those repairs just to sell your house? Why not leave the repairs to a professional that can do the work cheaper and faster? When you sell to a cash home buyer who has a team of professionals and contractors that do this work for a living. By doing this work for a lower cost we can offer you a better price for your home.

Pack and Go

Cleaning? Sell direct and forget it! Experienced real estate agents know that most buyers don’t have the vision to see beyond your clutter or any apparent decorative flaws. They’ll advise that nearly every surface be free of objects. Most especially photographs or items that are of a more personal nature. Today’s real estate professional will likely advise that you store your own belongings and spend further on staging the home, both for advertising publications and showings. In addition, you’ll need to keep up the exterior curb appeal for these reasons. This allows the buyer to more easily visualize themselves living in the home. You can save all the costs involved in a deep clean of your Connecticut home when you sell directly. In many cases, you can just leave behind any items you’d rather not take along to your new residence. 

I’ve helped several homeowners who rented or attempted to rent dumpsters to get rid of all their stuff. They paid hundreds of dollars when we could have done the work cheaper with our own crew. While a wonderful gesture it isn’t necessary. Just leave your stuff where it is, take the stuff you care about most and we will take care of the rest.

Forget Closing Costs

You’ll save money when you sell directly in Connecticut by eliminating most of the normal fees associated with traditional closings. You’ll also forego the fees normally associated with the required reports from appraisals and inspections in most cases. Especially on newer or more recently renovated properties. 

Do you know how many times a home seller closes on their house and the money they get back is only a fraction of what they thought they would get? Realtors and closing costs take a huge chunk out of the listing price, then there are the buyers who complain about everything found in the inspection. Often the buyer lowers their offer because they found something that isn’t really a problem. Wouldn’t it be nice to just get one offer and that is the amount you would get at the closing table? We do the research of your property and your situation and provide you a single fair price for your house. We will work with you to try to get you the most money for your house.

No Marketing Expenses

Whether you are working with a real estate agent or selling your home on your own, any marketing expenses will be passed on to you. Naturally, the more you spend, the better your advertising vehicle and reach to the public. As a part of the marketing plan, you’ll need to have your home picture perfect. 

These days with social media real estate agents now use all sorts technology like photoshopping, drones and all sores of other high tech tools in addition to staging a property. That is an undo burden on your finances. Why should you spend money before you even see and cash for your property? If you are in a situation where your house has deferred maintenance and a lot of problems that require money to repair you probably have no reason to stage your property or take Instagrammable photos and video. Just leave it as is.

Monthly Costs Eliminated

The monthly costs of homeownership can add a lot of pressure, especially if you’ve already had to relocate for work or personal reasons. These costs can run into the thousands, including taxes, mortgage, insurance, utilities, and maintenance. If your home is aging, repair bills are usually depleting your funds on a more regular basis and can be extremely expensive. The financial burden and personal stress can add up quickly. By choosing a direct sale, you could quite literally save yourself thousands!

Just pack what you want to keep and sell your [market_state] property directly. You can leave the monthly payments behind sooner than you think. Call us at Next Door Properties today at (860) 398-4472 or send us a message to learn just how quickly we can help you start saving money!

Andrzej Walter Lipski

A tall guy with a big heart. A USMC vet with a duty and dedication to help people out of their tough situations. If you have a distressed property or a situation that makes holding a property difficult I'm happy to help. I have 30 years experience solving people's problems. Let us help you.

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