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6 Ways Working With A Professional Home Buyer Will Save Your Money in Connecticut

Working with a professional home buyer will save you a ton of money when selling your house in Connecticut. Don’t rule out a direct sale until you learn more about what our process will mean for you! 

Are you searching for the most effective method to sell your house in Connecticut? Many local homeowners are pleasantly surprised to discover that selling directly to a buyer allows them to keep more of their money compared to working with a Connecticut real estate agent. Before making a decision on how to sell your house in Connecticut, it’s important to crunch the numbers for your property. This will enable you to choose the selling option that aligns with your best interests. Here are just a few of the expenses we can help you avoid when you choose to work with the experienced team at Next Door Properties!

Sell Without Commission

Its no joke that real estate commissions are huge. And it seems that the rumors are true. They it’s about making agents making more money. When you sell your house in Connecticut with a real estate agent, you will likely have to pay a commission fee of around 6% of the final sale price. This means that if your house sells for $500k, you will owe your agent $30k in commission. However, when you choose to work with Next Door Properties, you can avoid these costly commissions and selling fees. By selling your Connecticut house directly to Next Door Properties, you can keep that $30k in your pocket and not have to worry about deducting it from your sale proceeds.

No Need for Expensive Repairs or Upgrades

Working with the team at Next Door Properties will allow you to sell your house as-is, without any repair or upgrade costs. When listing a house in Connecticut, many people are stuck making repairs before the house has even hit the market. They are then surprised when their potential buyer comes to them after the inspection, attempting to negotiate more repairs be made before the sale goes through. Some people end up spending more than they should, just to get the deal done. With a direct sale, you won’t spend any time or money fixing up the house.

Save Thousands 💸 by Selling Your House Fast in Connecticut

Selling your house fast in Connecticut can lead to substantial financial savings, a fact often overlooked in the traditional home selling process. The longer a property lingers on the market, the more it costs the homeowner. These costs aren’t just limited to mortgage payments; they encompass a range of expenses including ongoing maintenance, utility bills, property taxes, and insurance. Each day your house remains unsold, these costs continue to accumulate, silently eating into your potential profit. By opting for a swift sale, you can effectively halt this financial bleed. This is particularly advantageous in Connecticut, where the cost of living and property maintenance can be significantly high. A fast sale not only frees you from the burden of these holding costs but also expedites your access to the proceeds from the sale, allowing you to move on to your next venture with more financial freedom.

Save Money By Selling Your House

Moreover, a quick sale in Connecticut eliminates the need for additional investments that are typically associated with preparing a property for the market. This includes avoiding expenses related to home repairs, renovations, and upgrades that are often necessary to make a property more appealing to a traditional buyer. These improvements, while potentially increasing the market value of your home, require upfront costs and time – resources that you might not have or prefer to allocate elsewhere. By selling your house fast, you bypass these preparatory expenses and the uncertainty of whether they will offer a return on investment. This approach not only saves money but also reduces the stress and effort involved in the selling process, making it a financially and emotionally prudent choice for many homeowners in Connecticut.

No Cleaning or Maintenance Required

Selling your home in Connecticut through the traditional MLS route often means keeping your house in pristine condition at all times. Potential buyers might request a viewing on short notice, and as a motivated seller, you’ll likely want to accommodate these requests. This could mean either hiring a professional cleaning service or dedicating your own time and effort to maintain the property’s appearance. Regardless of the approach, it translates into additional time and financial investment in cleaning and upkeep.

Eliminate Closing Costs

In a standard home sale in Connecticut, sellers typically pay around 3% to 5% of the home’s final sale price in closing costs. For instance, selling a house for $350,000 would mean about $15,000 in various closing expenses, including title searches, transfer taxes, and title insurance. However, when you choose to sell directly to Next Door Properties, these costs are no longer your concern. We take care of all standard closing costs, removing one more worry from your home-selling process in Connecticut.

Forget About Marketing, Staging, and Photography Expenses

Traditional home selling often involves additional costs for marketing, staging, and professional photography. While some of these expenses might be included in your agent’s services, it’s not uncommon for homeowners to pay out of pocket to enhance their listing. Whether it’s because the agent’s photographs are subpar or their online listing isn’t premium, many sellers end up investing in extra marketing efforts. This includes professional photography and staging services, all aimed at selling their Connecticut home as swiftly as possible. With a direct sale to Next Door Properties, you can bypass these expenses entirely, simplifying your selling experience.

Every situation is different and we encourage you to run the numbers for the house you would like to sell in Connecticut before you make your decision about how to sell!

Find out how working with a professional home buyer in Connecticut will benefit you! Reach out to us today for more information! (860) 398-4472

Andrzej Walter Lipski

A tall guy with a big heart. A USMC vet with a duty and dedication to help people out of their tough situations. If you have a distressed property or a situation that makes holding a property difficult I'm happy to help. I have 30 years experience solving people's problems. Let us help you.

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