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5 Hot Summer Home Selling Tips in Connecticut

With summer coming up, sellers are wondering what’s the best way to sell their house in the summer and if there are tricks and tips they can use to sell this season. In this blog post, you’ll read 5 hot summer home selling tips in Connecticut…

Summer is already hear if you look at the thermostat. Are you thinking about sandy beaches? Or maybe you want to move some place cooler like further up north? Have you considered putting your house on the market? Well, if you’re planning to sell your house this summer then you’ll want to know these 5 hot summer home selling tips in Connecticut!

5 Hot Summer Home Selling Tips In Connecticut

Tip #1. Run The Air Conditioner And A Fan

People buy houses that they feel comfortable in because they picture themselves owning and relaxing in that house. And during a hot summer day, there’s nothing that says “comfort” like a cool home.

Run the air conditioner and some fans. The air conditioner cools off the house and the fans help to circulate the cool air and avoid any warm spots or stale air from building up. This will mean buyers stay longer looking at your house and when they go back to compare all the houses they looked at the cooler houses will be on their short list to make offers to.

Tip #2. Power Wash The Outside Walls

During the winter and spring, the exterior walls of your home can attract a lot of grime and dust, which dulls your home. Or maybe you have a build of of mold or algae from all those humid spring days. Spend a few hundred bucks and an afternoon power washing the outside walls of your home to really help make your home look clean and fresh – it will surely stand out from all the other houses on the street! Buyers like to think that a house looks new even if you haven’t done much work to it. A single power washing could add a few thousand dollars to the asking price.

Tip #3. Add Flowers

Flowers are an inexpensive way to add a pop of color to your home. Most houses in your neighborhood might be drab. Buy flowers to plant around the outside of your home, and bring a beautiful bouquet of flowers into your home as well for a splash of color and interest. Not only will the bright colors make your house more attractive but the smell with freshen up the interior of the house.

Don’t be afraid to add lots of flowers to the garden bed and pathway! Buyers won’t care if they are freshly planted or have been there for a few years and they are cost effective.

Tip #4. Invest In A Lush Lawn

This tip requires preparation. Grass will take time to grow. So, as soon as possible, start seeding, fertilizing, and watering your lawn. This usually means late April early May when the weather is still cool but not too hot. This will maximize the growth and get you a thick green lawn by June. Don’t be afraid to over-seed it in order to get even more grass growing as thick as possible!

A beautiful, vibrant lawn can really stand out when it’s cared for, and that will help to add to the perceived value of the home especially when compared to other houses on the street.

Tip #5. Set The Stage

People buy houses because they see themselves in the home. That means helping people see themselves in the home! For that reason, consider setting the stage so they can feel like they are already there enjoying it. If you can’t afford staging the entire house even a small table with a vase of flowers in the living area or some potholders on the kitchen counter. IT doesn’t have to be much just queues to the buyer that someone may have lived there once.

Bring the barbecue and patio furniture close together. Set the table. Have some fresh lemonade and glasses on the counter. Create a friendly, livable atmosphere!


If you want to sell your home this summer, use these 5 hot summer home selling tips in Connecticut to help you make your home even more attractive to buyers.

Alternatively, you can bypass these steps and just sell your house directly to us. To find out how much we can pay for your home, click here now and fill out form or call our office at (860) 398-4472

Andrzej Walter Lipski

A tall guy with a big heart. A USMC vet with a duty and dedication to help people out of their tough situations. If you have a distressed property or a situation that makes holding a property difficult I'm happy to help. I have 30 years experience solving people's problems. Let us help you.

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