We Buy Houses America

Need to Sell Your Home Quickly in CT? Here’s Why Working with a Direct Home Buyer is Your Best Option

Do you need to sell your home in Connecticut? Working with an agent to sell the traditional way can be a great option for many homeowners. However, in some cases, working with an agent to sell the traditional way can be a long and tedious process, but it doesn’t have to be.

Working with a direct buyer can make the process fast and efficient, saving you time and money while avoiding the hassle of the MLS. Here are five ways a direct home buyer can make the process faster and more convenient for you when you need to sell your home.

1. No Inspections to Wait For

When working with a direct buyer to sell your house in Connecticut, you don’t have to worry about the property being inspected. Direct buyers such as Next Door Properties don’t require inspections, which means you can skip this step and move on to the next one.

Because we don’t require inspections on the home, we will buy it as-is. You will not have to spend time getting rid of junk, making repairs, or fixing the house up to attract potential buyers. We will buy your house exactly as it is today. We mean that. We see a lot of sellers renting dumpsters and trying to clean out their properties even when we sign an agreement to buy the house. While we appreciate the effort that goes into that we really mean it when we say as is. We have removal crews we partner with that will get it all done in a day. The worst one I saw took 3 days tops. Give yourself a rest and let us take care of the rest.

2. There Are No Banks Involved

One of the biggest delays in selling a house is waiting for a bank to approve a loan. As interest rates go up banks are starting to worry. They don’t want to give out as much money as they once did and unless a buyer has great credit and can afford the price you want they aren’t going to get the loan. A preapproval by a bank isn’t a guarantee by the bank that the buyer will get the loan. You, as the seller, will need to wait for an appraisal to be done and the paperwork to be completed. If the bank feels that house isn’t worth the price you are asking for or the house is too much for the buyer to handle they will reject the loan and you are right back to square one, weeks or even months wasted.

When working with a Next Door Properties, there are no banks involved, which means you can avoid this delay altogether. We have the financing available to buy your house outright in only a matter of days.

3. No Showings to Deal With

Showing your house to potential buyers can be time-consuming and inconvenient. People may want to come and see your house at the last minute. Sometimes it can be months of people coming in and out of your house walking through every room looking behind your shower curtains, inside your closets. You’ll be forcing you to clean up and vacate the premises quickly. How much of a burden will that be on your family. When will the parade of buyers end. You only need one buyer to purchase your house but you will get a lot of tire kickers.

When working with Next Door Properties, there are no showings to worry about. Direct buyers are interested in the property as is, any condition, which means you don’t have to worry about showcasing your house to multiple people or having strangers walk through your home while you are still living there. Showing can feel invasive, especially when you have many people living in the home.

4. No Drawn-Out Escrow Process

The escrow process can be a long and drawn-out process, taking weeks or even months to complete. The whole thing can fall through at the last minute because documents weren’t submitted an inspection came up with a problem, or the lawyers didn’t move fast enough.

I’ve worked with sellers who needed cash from the sale of their house to pay the deposit and first months rent. If that cash isn’t there on time they can become homeless really quick. Landlords don’t like to wait months before you can move in. You need guaranteed results.

When working with a direct buyer to sell your house in Connecticut, the escrow process is much simpler and much faster. Direct buyers are typically ready to purchase your property right away, which means you can avoid waiting around during the lengthy escrow process.

5. You Won’t Have to Wait to Find A Buyer

Waiting for a buyer to make an offer and complete the purchase process can be frustrating and stressful. A lot of times they are look at several houses at the same time. They can get cold feet and use one of their contingencies as an excuse to get out of the contract. The deal can fall through during the inspection, leaving you back at square one. When working with a direct buyer, you don’t have to worry about waiting around for a buyer to come along.

Direct buyers are ready to purchase your property right away, which means you can get the sale done fast so you can move on.

Working with a direct buyer can make the process of selling your house fast, efficient and with no hassles. By avoiding inspections, banks, showings, the drawn-out escrow process, and waiting around for a buyer, you can sell your home quickly and move on to your next adventure. If you’re looking to sell your house, consider working with Next Door Properties for a hassle-free experience. Give us a call today to learn more! (860) 398-4472

Andrzej Walter Lipski

A tall guy with a big heart. A USMC vet with a duty and dedication to help people out of their tough situations. If you have a distressed property or a situation that makes holding a property difficult I'm happy to help. I have 30 years experience solving people's problems. Let us help you.

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