We Buy Houses America

Who Are The Cash House Buyers in Connecticut?

You’ve seen the “we buy houses in Connecticut” and “cash for houses” signs all around town when you’re driving around… even in other cities across Connecticut… maybe they sent you a postcard or letter, or even gone so far as to call you at the worst possible time or text you over and over again… so who are these cash house buyers in Connecticut?  Are they legit? How does it work?  Who should I trust?

We’ll dive into these questions here in this article… and don’t be afraid if you have other questions to hit us up on our Contact page and we will answer your question in a follow up post!

Selling Fast: Who Are The Cash House Buyers in Connecticut?

Selling your home in today’s real estate market, isn’t always the easiest thing to do.

If you need to sell fast due to divorce, job loss, pressures of relocation, or any other of life’s tribulations, this process can be especially painful. It’s another layer of stress at a time when you are already maxed out from life’s complications!

Luckily, there are ways for you as a local Connecticut house seller to win! Selling to a cash house buyer can get you the cash that you need fast, while also taking your property off your hands so you can move on with your life without all the hassle of selling through a real estate agent.

Usually it will also relieve any pressures of repairs and cleaning that you’d have to do when you list it on the market, so you can sell your Connecticut home as-is. Selling your house to the right cash buyer can be a quick and easy process.

The first question to ask yourself, Who are the cash house buyers in Connecticut?

Cash buyers will usually be investors (some locally based, like us here at Next Door Properties… and some based out of state) whose goal is to create win-win situations and help homeowners like yourself. Most aren’t trying to make a fast buck and solely focused on a commission like a real estate agent would be. They work to figure out what your pain points are and try to solve them. Some people need to sell their house fast. Some home owners need to avoid a foreclosure. Other sellers want to sell their homes but be paid over time which given them the security of a steady income of a lease to own and tax savings from offsetting the sale. What ever your reason to sell your house you can be confident that cash buyers like us buy houses focusing on a win-win outcome.

Quick Tips to Remember When Looking For A Reputable Local Connecticut Cash House Buyer

  • Price it right
  • Be honest
  • Be flexible

Price it right – When selling to a cash house buyer in Connecticut, keep in mind that they may be buying with cash, private money and other ways, instead of using traditional bank financing… and they can close very quickly.  We can buy your house in as little as 7 days from today if you wanted to sell that quickly… rather than waiting 30 days to 9 months to sell your house the traditional “listing agent” route. This means that a professional house buyer won’t be able to pay as much as a retail buyer (someone living in the house) would.

This also means that you’re getting a quick/ hassle free sale and cash in your pocket so you can move on with your life! Check out this article on pricing your home to sell.  So don’t go into the process with expectations of getting the same price on a quick cash sale that closes in a matter of days or weeks that you’d get with an agent listing your house to find the ideal retail buyer for months and months and months.

I am always happy to explain to home owners that want to sell fast what it means to buy their house fast.

Also consider in your pricing the fact that local cash home buyers like us here at Next Door Properties don’t charge any fees or commissions.  So consider that a savings right there!

Be honest – Always tell the truth when giving descriptions of repairs and values. An experienced cash buyer will do their homework, so tarnishing a relationship and potentially hindering a sale in the name of saving a few bucks, is never worth it. Just be honest with your buyer and they will work with you.

We have been doing this for a few years now and take pride in being able to look at a house and figure out what are the necessary repairs and how much they will cost. We work with a team of licensed contractors with year of experience under their belts. Along with attorneys, property managers and other real estate investors in our network we know what a house will sell for in your neighborhood, what liens are on a property and how much in repairs we will need to make.

Not disclosing repairs needed or liens on the property only slows down how quickly we can solve your situation and get you the cash you need. We had a similar situation where liens were not disclosed on the property that was in pre-foreclosure. It took us several weeks working with creditors to negotiate those liens and costed the seller another $5200 in mortgage payments, taxes, and fees they they had to pay while we resolved all of that before we could close on the property.

Be flexible – Cash house buyers in Connecticut can often come up with creative solutions to your problems. Be flexible, and willing to share and listen to make the best of your situation. A cash offer may not be your best option.

Sometimes after talking to many local Connecticut area house sellers we’ll find out that there are other options that make a lot more sense for them… rather than us buying their house. So, be flexible coming in and we’ll let you know what we feel are the best options for your situation. If it means us buying your house in a win-win transaction… great!  If it means you selling your house another way (or even finding a way to stay in your house)… great!

All we care is that you’re taken care of in the process. That’s how we win so many long-term fans of Next Door Properties who end up referring their friends and family our way when they need to sell their Connecticut area houses fast too. We aren’t like many cash buyers who try to fight you on price and squeeze you of all of your money. If we develop a good reputation then we are more likely to be trusted to help others. We are here to help people in tough situations and make the community a better place to live.

The bottom line is, regardless of how daunting the task of selling your home may appear, sometimes all it takes is finding out who are the best cash house buyers in Connecticut.

Start Here: If you need to sell your Connecticut area house fast, give us a call at (860) 398-4472 OR fill out this simple Fast Cash Offer Form >>

Andrzej Walter Lipski

A tall guy with a big heart. A USMC vet with a duty and dedication to help people out of their tough situations. If you have a distressed property or a situation that makes holding a property difficult I'm happy to help. I have 30 years experience solving people's problems. Let us help you.

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